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With recent process advancements, additive manufacturing enables access to parts with production-ready quality, speed, and cost. The only thing left to master has been achieving production-grade material properties.

With Figure 4 production-grade materials, the wait is over. Now it is possible to go from prototyping straight to production on the same system for a seamless and efficient workflow.

To learn more about Figure 4 capabilities and the broad portfolio of materials available to meet your needs, download the Figure 4 materials guide to learn about the properties of Figure 4 production-grade materials, including:

  • Mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties (including flammability, dielectric properties, and 24-hour water absorption);
  • Isotropic properties;
  • Long-term indoor and outdoor environmental stability;
  • Chemical and automotive fluid compatibility;
  • Biocompatibility.

With testing and conditioning per ASTM and ISO requirements, Figure 4 production-grade materials enable a true production solution. 

Download the Materials Guide – True Production-Grade Materials for Figure 4 – to find the right Figure 4 material for your application.