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Photopolymer 3D printing has been in use for over 25 years, delivering great value through speed and accuracy. However, due to limitations in material performance and longevity, this technology has primarily been used for design prototyping only.

3D Systems is excited to expand the role of photopolymer 3D printing, and combine the speed, accuracy, and surface finish of its technology with materials that deliver long-lasting performance.  Our groundbreaking 3D printing solution, including platform, software, and new material chemistries, offers a revolution in performance, productivity, and addressable applications.

Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • The historical challenge of photopolymer materials
  • High speed, projector-based 3D printing
  • Achieving parts with long-lasting mechanical performance & stability
  • The latest production-capable materials & industry/application uses

Watch this webinar for a deep-dive into the materials science behind 3D Systems’ new production-grade photopolymers.


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