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Are you ready to produce even more complex, high-resolution, pure wax 3D-printed jewelry patterns with unparalleled speed and manufacturing flexibility? Then meet the new ProJet® MJP 2500W Plus 3D printer.

Engineered specifically to meet the unique requirements of the jewelry industry for custom and high-volume manufacturing, the new ProJet MJP 2500W Plus 3D printer produces complex, high-resolution, pure wax casting patterns with an unparalleled combination of quality and efficiency.

Join our webinar to learn more about:

  • The new high resolution ZHD mode that enables to print best-in-class casting patterns smoothness
  • Exceptionally high-quality surface finishes to reduce the need for manual polishing
  • Faster print speeds in XHD printing mode

Register now and learn how to improve quality while saving time and wasting less precious metals.