• Save on Tooling Costs and Time with Direct Production Plastic Parts

    Figure 4® Tough 65C Black is a versatile production-grade black material with good impact strength, elongation, and tensile strength. It provides long-term environmental stability with an injection molded-like surface quality. This material is recommended for high mechanical load-bearing batch production parts, jigs and fixtures, and prototypes that remain stable for years. 

    This resin features a 70˚C heat deflection temperature and 35% elongation at break and is excellent for buckles, snaps, and clips due to a 6.6% elongation at yield. Simplified post-processing speeds enable high end-to-end throughput.

    Figure 4 Tough 65C Black is tested to 8 years of indoor and 1.5 years outdoor mechanical performance per ASTM D4329 and ASTM G194 methods, ensuring that printed parts remain functional and stable for long periods in real-world conditions. 

  • Figure 4 Tough 65C Black_video_final

  • Aplicações

    • Produção no mesmo dia sem ferramentas
    • Produção direta de pequenas peças de plástico preto. Exemplos incluem: gabinetes de motor, conectores, encaixes, interiores automotivos e outras peças de uso geral
    • Produção digital para substituir processos de moldagem por injeção ou usinagem com ferramentas suaves
  • Benefícios

    • Melhoria da estabilidade ambiental das propriedades mecânicas e de desempenho ao longo do tempo
    • Rendimento rápido para peças na mão sem necessidade de cura térmica secundária
    • Limpeza única e simples com solvente
    • Excelente qualidade de superfície e repetibilidade
    • Material preciso e de baixa distorção para uma rápida impressão bem-sucedida do primeiro artigo
  • Recursos

    • Velocidade de impressão rápida de até 62 mm/h a uma espessura de camada de 50 mícron
    • Temperatura de deflexão térmica de 70 °C, 12% de alongamento na ruptura
    • Durabilidade e resistência
    • Inflamabilidade de UL94 HB
    • Biocompatível de acordo com as normas ISO10993-5 e ISO10993-10
    • Exibe comportamento termoplástico em estiramento no ponto de ruptura de tração 
  • Material Properties

    The full suite of mechanical properties is given per ASTM and ISO standards where applicable. All parts are conditioned per ASTM recommended standards for a minimum of 40 hours at 23 °C, 50% RH. Material properties include physical and mechanical properties and thermal, UL flammability, and electrical (dielectric strength, dielectric constant, dissipation factor, and volume resistivity).

  • Isotropic properties

    Figure 4 technology prints parts that are isotropic in mechanical properties meaning the parts printed along either the XYZ axis will give similar results. Parts do not need to be oriented to get the highest mechanical properties, improving the degree of freedom for part orientation for mechanical properties.

  • Long Term Environmental Stability

    Figure 4 Tough 65C Black is engineered to give long-term environmental UV and humidity stability and long-lasting black color. This material has been tested for its ability to retain a high percentage of its initial mechanical properties over a period of time. This test data provides real performance conditions to consider for the application or part. 

    The charts show a sampling of the dataset. The full data sheet includes indoor and outdoor stability data for tensile strength, elongation at break, tensile modulus, and impact strength. The actual data value is on the Y-axis, and data points are a % of the initial value.

  • Indoor Stability

    Tested per ASTM D4329 standard method.

    Figure 4 Tough 65C Black indoor elongation
  • Outdoor Stability

    Tested per ASTM G194 standard method.

    Figure 4 Tough 65C Black outdoor tensile strength

  • Chemical and Automotive Fluid Compatibility

    Hydrocarbons and cleaning chemical compatibility can be critical to application compatibility. Figure 4 Tough 65C Black parts were tested for sealed and surface contact compatibility per ASTM D543 test conditions and per USCAR2 test conditions. The full datasheet includes additional data tables for tensile strength, tensile modulus, and elongation at break.

  • Automotive Fluid Compatibility

    Figure 4 Tough 65C Black chemical USCAR 2 tensile strength
  • Chemical Compatibility

    Figure 4 Tough 65C Black chemical ASTM tensile strength

* Note: Not all products and materials are available in all countries – please consult your local sales representative for availability.

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