• A jewelry cast made with VisiJet M2P-CST Crystal material showing the support material

    VisiJet Crystal in support material

  • A jewelry cast made with VisiJet M2P-CST Crystal material showing the cast without support material

    VisiJet Crystal metal casting pattern, no support material

  • A jewelry piece made from the casting material, VisiJet M2P-CST Crystal

    Final gold casted jewelry piece

  • Applications

    • Production of jewelry using sacrificial patterns for casting 
    • Intended for fragile, fine-featured patterns that may not survive post-processing and handing when produced in wax
    • Rings, broches, bracelets, mesh features, and more that have highly-detailed, complex geometries, and thin walls
    • Consumer goods with delicate components
    • Prototyping and modeling
  • Benefits

    • Enables high volume production of patterns for direct casting; no tooling required
    • Builds complex geometries and thin walls not feasible with wax patterns
    • Print patterns for more ornate, lighter-weight jewelry
    • Performs well for stone-setting
    • Outstanding feature detail preservation, even on the smallest parts
    • Larger build area than other projector-based printers

  • Features

    • Virtually hands-free support removal process
    • Easy to handle and pattern burns clean
    • Prints can be painted
    • Biocompatible

Impressoras compatíveis com este material:

*Depois que a ProJet MJP 2500 Plus executa o VisiJet M2P-CST Crystal, a impressora é dedicada a esse material.

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